Check out this color! Dormant purple with a metallic clear top coat. Look at that sparkle! Boy oh boy does this look awesome in the sun!




Powder Coating Specialists for Commercial, Industrial, Home Decor, Furniture, Automotive, Motorcycles and Much More!

  • Hundreds of powder coat colors to choose from.
    Hundreds of powder coat colors to choose from.
  • Coating Home and Garden items and furniture
    Coating Home and Garden items and furniture
  • Powder Coating for Automotive and ATV
    Powder Coating for Automotive and ATV
  • Powder coating bicycles and bike parts
    Powder coating bicycles and bike parts
  • Powder coating wheels, all types and sizes.
    Powder coating wheels, all types and sizes.
  • ceramic coated turbo housing and manifold in titanium
    Ceramic Coating
  • Commercial Coating
    Commercial Coating
  • Industrial Coating
    Industrial Coating
  • Piston Coating
    Piston Coating
  • Dry Film Lubricant Coating
    Dry Film Lubricant Coating
  • Heat Dissipation Coating
    Heat Dissipation Coating
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