Say a prayer for Charlie.

As many of you know Charlie has become very ill about 3-4 months ago battling cancer. With visiting hospitals every other day, chemotherapy & radiation treatments as well as numerous blood transfusions I regret to inform you all that his health has taken a turn for the worse.

Charlie has had a stroke last week which the doctors have found 2 tumors in his brain along with news of the cancer spreading to his bones which is currently preventing him from being able to walk. Being my father, my best friend and my business partner here at Bonehead Performance for the past 10+ years, it is very upsetting to say, the outcome is not looking positive.

For the many of you who have visited us at the shop, shared stories, had many laughs and have had powder coating work done, we greatly appreciate it. I am posting this on Facebook today to have all of you please say a prayer for Charlie for this Christmas holiday. Holiday’s are all about being with the family members you care for and unfortunately Charlie is still in the hospital. If enough people pray and hope, then just maybe, Charlie will be well enough to make it home to spend this Christmas with his family.

I don’t want this to sound like spam but please pass this along to as many people as you can so that maybe a Christmas miracle will happen.

The very best to you and yours this Holiday Season and for the New Year.

Chuck Steele

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